About me
My skills
My project
My work/personnal life balance
My ambitions
My tools
My missions
My career plan
1. About me
This is the first step in building your professional path with ACALY. If you wish, we support you in self-knowledge through personality tests and exercises to learn more about yourself.
2. My skills
We help you analyze your professional skills (technical, methodological, relational, and sectoral) and personal aptitudes and motivations to define together the most appropriate professional and training project for you.
3. My ambitions
This step is important because by questioning what you like to do, we can combine your professional project with your interests.
4. My work/personnal life balance
With ACALY, you define your balance between professional and personal life in order to sustain your professional project over time.
5. My project
The goal of this step is to identify the needs that are most important to make your journey within our company fruitful. Diversity of industrial sectors and/or professions, development of managerial skills, technological expertise, internal investment.
6. My tools
Once the previous steps have been validated, an individual training plan is drawn up. Together, we take the steps towards acquiring new skills by sharing best practices with our consultants for instance.
7. My missions
Following the analysis of your skills, ambitions, and project, we select the missions that fit your profile and analyze together the on-going progress.
8. My career plan
Your professional project is not definitively fixed/established. It evolves constantly according to your progress in life and changes according to your specific situation. We will adjust it together when necessary.